Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Thats Just My Face

I was watching this week's episode of The Bachelor and one of the girls, Amanda, looked like she was about to knock someone out.  All the girls were saying what a bitch she was even though she was saying nothing.  The second that the bachelor walked in, her face lit up and she became a completely different person.  Now maybe she really is a two timing bitch, I have no idea we are only 2 episodes in, but maybe the girls are just reading her all wrong like everyone does with me.

A few months ago, I was at my friends 30th birthday party having a decent time, nothing too amazing, nothing too boring, just a good time.  When the night was slowing down for me, I headed towards the exit and had to wait for the elevator.  A stranger walks by me, looks at me for a split second, and asks me why I am so mad?  Considering I was not at all mad, I had no idea how to even answer.  Now this is not the first time I have been told that I need to smile more or been asked why I am so grumpy but never when I was actually having a good time.  Fast forward to New Years weekend and I am hanging out with Anjay's cousin, and sister-in-law, etc having a really good time catching up.  While in between conversations, the waiter comes up to me and tells me "You look like you're not having a good time anymore."  Again while being perfectly content, people think I am miserable.  Appearantly I need to get a face lift because even my own brother has told me that he doesn't enjoy hanging out with me because I look miserable.  My new response for people and that bold waiter who tell me how they think I am feeling, "thats just my face".  

So next time you are hanging out with me, please just remember that even if I look really pissed off, I am smiling on the inside :)

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