Friday, January 16, 2015

The Way to A Man's Heart is Through His Stomach

My first attempt at blogging clearly didn't work.  Here I am 2 years later, almost to the date, and I am inspired to blog again!  I honestly think it would be therapeutic for me so I am going to give it another shot.

One major change is the newest member of our family, Akash Jayden Bharadwa, aka the love of my life.  He was born in March last year and I could not physically love him more!

Other than that, I am the same person.  An honest to a fault mom who always looks miserable, loves to renovate and is a complete open book.

Recently, I was persuaded by some of my wonderful sister-in-laws when out on a girls night out in Atlanta when I shared one of my stories to make another major change.  I told them the joke that I tell my girls all the time.  In the beginning, mommy's heart belonged completely to Daddy, 100%.  Then when Avani was born, she instantly captured my whole heart.  When Aria came along they had to share it 50-50.  Finally the adorable rascal was born and they are now all down to 33.3333333333333 (and they like to argue about that .00000000000001)!  Ofcourse the question (being Anjay's sisters) was how come Anjay doesn't get any of my heart anymore?

Besides the fact that it is a joke I laugh about with my kids, it raised the topic of making sure your husband knows he is a priority for you.  So I wondered, how do you actually do that?  I don't think many of them had thought about the how part but once questioned, we came up with some:
  • Asking him how his day was
  • Making time for just the 2 of you, i.e. date nights and vacations
  • Being interested in his hobbies
At the end of the day, the one thing that was a reoccurring theme from all 5 of them was preparing his favorite home cooked meal for him.  Now mind you, I did remind them all that we are now in 2015 and not living in India but at the end of the day, that didn't seem to matter.  The consensus was that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach so in order to show my man that he is a priority to me (so my kids can still get 33.333333 each) I have decided that I am going to learn how to cook!

Ofcourse for most people this is not a big deal.  You probably can throw a meal together and don't think about it twice.  For me this is not the case.  I grow up in a house with lots of help including a live in housekeeper/cook and therefore was never domesticated.  After we got married, Anjay actually enjoyed it, then when we had children we hired a nanny and have had them help in that department as well.  Before that conversation it had probably honestly been a few years since I had cooked a meal fancier than pasta from scratch (successfully without having to toss it and get take out). 

Back to why I was inspired to write, I thought people might find my journey to learn to cook interesting and maybe even learn a recipe or 2.  Who knows but certainly wish me luck because I'll need it!

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